
Created, written and drawn by Michael Ramsey. Inks by Emma Kate Ramsey.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Holiday Special Continued...





So this one's been done now for days. Sorry about my computer failure.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

So Here's The Deal, Guys

So I'm currently visiting family. I knew I wouldn't have access to a scanner after I got here, so I wrote and scanned about 7 pages worth of material before leaving. Unfortunately, my computer will not function outside of safe mode right now. No idea what's wrong. CPU usage at 2%, everything looks calm, no unnecessary processes... it just locks up anytime I open/save/close something, or try to use the start menu. All of this to say, my comics will be delayed until I can either convince my mother that my comic warrants installing graphics software on her laptop, or until I can get home and use my desktop. Either way, comics don't seem to be happening. I'll be back home New Year's Eve, and alllll six pages shall inundate you then.

Cheers, all.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Taylor hates everyone.

It's true. It really is.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bl.O.O.P. Holiday Special Pt I

I'd intended to do a big Christmas special storyline, but the pacing of my current storyline didn't allow me to get to a good point for the holiday drama to begin until now... so the Christmas Special is now a Holiday Special and it will extend out to New Years.

Stealing is naughty, missy. Ur goin on Santa's naughty list.



[Clicking Makes Big]


Holy crap, this is becoming a daytime drama.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thursday Bonus: TRON Pinups part 2


Boba is not only insecure, he's so insecure that his imagination conjured a mean-spirited dragon to chew him out for being insecure. That's not even FAIR.

TRON fights for the Users. Taylor hates everyone.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hey, I Recognise Those Guys

[Click, And You Shall Recieve Bigger Version]

Alternatively, click here for the REMIX version. Facial expressions give whole new meanings to things. I love awkwardness almost as much as I love irony.

Also, any of you who are reading this who aren't people I know in real life (very few of you, heh), scroll down to the I LIKE THIS STUFF list and check out We Are Not Psychiatrists, a webcomic by Taylor and the man known as Jorba, both characters features in BLOOP. They're funny.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday Bonus: TRON Pinups (Part One Of ?)



If you're some crazy psycho fan of this comic, and you have money to burn, you can actually order prints of these on my Deviantart page. I doubt you do. I really only made the option because I want prints of them myself :P


Monday, December 20, 2010

Thats Not Awkward At All...


[Click For To Be Making Enlargement]

The thick plottens.


Friday, December 17, 2010

FRIDAY BONUS: Tron (no spoilers)

Co-Starring Hipster and Scene Kid.

I did this at about 3 AM this morning after getting home from seeing the new Tron film, which is brilliant and has far fewer flaws than most Disney films, so please excuse the sloppiness. I kinda inked it with a sharpie...



I Feel Like I'm Missing Some Sort Of Reference Here...


[This One Don't Get No Bigger, Soz]


Oh, by the way, La Roux:

La Roux - Colourless Colour


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

There Goes His Cred


[Need It Bigger? Click It.]

Nuff said?

Nuff said.


Monday, December 13, 2010

WHAT IS HAPPENING INSIDE ME!? [comic unrelated]

Oh geez. It's 2:50 AM. I can't sleep at all. I'm gnawing on a 1/4 block of cheddar cheese, and I'm feeling all weird and emotional...

I think I might be pregnant. :O



... moving on.

[Click The Image And It'll Become Larger. I Promise.]



Saturday, December 11, 2010

Color Added For Dramatic Emphasis

[I Encourage You To Click The Image If You Wish To See It Full-Size]

I'm anxious to see where this is going. Aren't you?

... oh wait, I KNOW where this is going. Silly me.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Really guys? REALLY?

[If You Click It, It Will Be Larger]


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


[Click To Enlargify]

It's an important lesson.

Also, to those of you just tuning in to the internet, meet Rage Guy. There is more significance today, now.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Do you hear that?

[Click To Enlargify]

I friggin' hate high schoolers.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yo dawg, I heard you like comics, so I put a comic in yo comic so you can read comics while you read comics.

[Click To Enlargify]

There is some truth in this. Seriously, CLICK THAT LINK.

PS - Are you diggin' the shrinking laptop? I know I am. Widescreen to netbook in 4 frames.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Coming Soon To A Theater Near You


Oh Cassie. We all lover her anyway. :P



What's going on here? Why is Boba suiting up for battle? WHY IS IT A SIN TO TOUCH THE HAT? Find out, when Boba Fettuccini and the Legend of the Fedora of Destiny continues!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Slow Week

Comics will be few and far between this week. This is one of my last weeks of normal school up at the community college, and as such, lots of time will be eaten up by last-minute school cramming. But, I will be making use of what free time I DO have to get a few weeks of EPIC material planned, so that the comic moves more smoothly as the Christmas holiday begins! Woo!



Saturday, November 27, 2010

Boba Is Sarcastic About The News (1)

(Click To Enlargify)

Ugh. I was listening to news radio all day in the truck while I was out n about for Black Friday. The news would NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS. Really, CBS? REALLY? People are dying, superhero vigilantes are running loose in Seattle, North Korea is firing on innocent targets, and we're going to spend all our time talking about how Obama got hurt playing sports? A mention would have been fine. But repeatedly? EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR!?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Battle Time (Klaxons Pt 6)

For those of you that love the bygone days of Gameboy, I highly recommend reading the first page and a half whilst filling you ears with this:

For the Final Fantasy Fans, this is definitely going to be more your thing.



(Click To Enlargify)

So there we have it.

Sometime over the weekend, I'll put up some clips of the songs that are going in the background in the series, just so those of you who've never even heard of Klaxons can get in on the bodacity.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Few Oldies

This was the first comic of this style that I actually finished. I started the style during the summer of '09, while working at a Boy Scout summer camp. Those comics have yet to be inked, and some of them got outright ruined and I'd have to redo them from scratch.

According to the filename date, I did this on January 10th, so almost a year ago. I didn't really know where I was going with it, I just knew that at the time, driving terrified me.


I did this one the following day. It's funny, because initially, it was just Boba standing there for 2 frames, getting bonked in the head, and then scowling. The dialog came about 2 hours AFTER I made it, after actually playing a game of dodgeball.


I soon decided that I was not cut out for political humor.

I created this one so that people could differentiate the expressions. It was kinda a joke, since they still kinda look the same.


I'll post the original Cassie comics sometime later, if she'll let me. They were kinda awkward.

Uh... Turkey... or Something?

So my producer JUST told me like 3 hours ago that the network wanted a Thanksgiving episode. It's really lousy to treat your creative staff like that. I mean, if you ever find yourself as a producer or manager, be kinder. Don't interrupt someone's massive room-cleaning project to remind them they still have to do a flippin' comic about flippin' TURKEYS. I HATE TURKEYS except with lettuce, tomato, bacon, and provolone cheese on a sammich with light mayo and basic yellow mustard... maybe some onion for good measure and maximum un-kiss-ability. Not that that's something I have to worry about, being single and unexposed to situations in which that sort of thing may happen. And even if that did happen, I would eat onions because I FLIPPIN' LOVE THEM. Seriously, onion is like the best leaf vegetable ever. Did you know that's what it is? It's a leaf. Crazy, I know. So if a human of the female variety so decided to lay one on me, she'd have to be prepared for an onion adventure. That would say a lot about her character. If she were willing to weather the onion breath, then perhaps she sees deeper, past the mask and Klaxons band tee to the inner core of awesome. Now... hang on a sec, we were talking about turkey. Where's the turkey!?



Lame, I know. I'll make it worth your while! Soon, we will have the epic face-off between Scene Kid and Hipster, and for the REAL Thanksgiving stuff, I'll post up some classic comics from the months before I started Bl.O.O.P. officially. Sounds like a sweet deal worthy of BLACK FRIDAY, HUH!?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Scene Kids (Klaxons Part 5)

(Click To Enlargify)

Stay tuned for a very epic battle.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


My scanner is being a dork, so this is kinda screwed up.



Hipness (Klaxons Part 4)

(Click To Enlargify)

Monday, November 22, 2010


So, like, you know. I didn't like post today or anything, you know, so like, I just wanted to like let you know that like, there won't be an episode tomorrow either, but like, I'll be back on Tuesday.

Oh my gosh it hurts to type like that. I have no idea why I did.

Anyway, Thanksgiving week should wrap up the Klaxons gig storyline, after which we'll delve into some older material (pre-Blog era), or maybe take a look at Shopping Adventures with Taylor, or even discuss in detail what it means to be a gunfighter. I'm sure you're all wondering how that could actually apply to life, right? Well, it's quite simp- no, no, if I explain now, that'll take all the fun out of it for later.


People who love me and stuff should totally mail me these items in the guise of Christmas presents:
Batman: The Animated Series DVDs
Teeshirts (Batman, Hellboy, Star Wars, Star Trek, whatever)
Starbucks gift cards
Gas cards
Subway gift cards
The Domino Pattern by Timothy Zahn
DC Universe 3 ¾” figures (a Joker, Batman, or other related characters would be cool)
Gift cards to various places I might like to spend money on clothes or whatnot.
A Russian Mail-Order Bride. Actually, disregard. I'd rather get an American by my own merits.
So yeah. Anyway. I hate Mondays.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Don't Feed The Bears (Klaxons Part 3)

(Click To Enlargify)

Don't get a hipster going. Ever.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chop Suey (Klaxons Part I)

So back in October, Taylor contacted me to tell me that our friend Jordan had a lead on a Klaxons gig in Seattle. Klaxons, to those of you who do not know, is a British rock band that is known for seemingly nonsensical lyrics and subject material, rave influences, and psychedelic production styles.

Seeing them live was like... Magick.

A lot of weird things happened at Chop Suey that night...


(Click To Enlargify)

The place was so full of hipsters that it was almost unbearable. And then there was this guy...

To be continued.

- Boba

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Important Things Can Change The World

(Click To Enlargify)

English Comics

English class... ohhhh, English class....



So many people in such dark, scary places.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Oh Taylor

(Click To Enlargify)

Let's pray that day comes, and pray it doesn't involve any cannibalism.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

You know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of a dream...? Yeah, well...


(Click To Enlargify)


Friday, November 12, 2010

Waiting For Godot


(Click To Enlargify)

Existentialism is pointless. We're all just going to die anyway.


See what I did there?

Sorry, Randy.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dance Party!?

(Click To Enlargify)

So obviously this really isn't going anywhere.


Not Just Girls


You GO, girl- er, boy!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Infinitely Reducible: The Empire Strikes Back




(Click To Enlargify)

The idea of Infinite Irreducibility is a scientific principle frequently used in support of Creationism that goes on the idea that living organisms are so complex, that if you attempted to remove even the smallest cellular system from the genome, it would no longer function. That's just in a nut shell, really, but that should give you and idea.

On the far opposite is Infinite Reducibility. As much as you take away, the result still has a similar affect. Don't believe it? I just proved it.
