
Created, written and drawn by Michael Ramsey. Inks by Emma Kate Ramsey.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Comics are done, but now my computers in the shop. I have my mom's computer, and no way to scan. FML.

Friday, January 21, 2011

So this is why I haven't posted anything.

I've still been drawing the comics, just forgetting to upload them... because I was playing Sid with some toys. =/ It's time consuming.

yeah, I'm a nerd. BUT it will all be worth it in time. I'm working on something pretty awesome :D

Monday, January 17, 2011

Unrelated: I'm a hater.

Raising awareness

Raise awareness! If everyone is aware of the issue, it'll magically disappear, right!?

I think raising money directly is a whole heckuvalot better than awareness.

Times may be inconsistent this quarter, though I'm still doing my best to keep to the M/W/F schedule with occasional extras. Eagle Quest continues later this week.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Eagle Quest Part I: Lol, u mad?

Click To Enlargify

Also, a happy birthday to my old friend and fellow Eagle Scout Kai Hendrickson.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Back To School

[Y U NO BIIIIIG? Click.]

I feel I should acquaint you with the people in comic two. The furry is Zozma, and the guy with the center part is Center Part Mike Guy. We're pretty sure he's a serial killer.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Oh hai

There was no comic on January 7th. You know why? It was my birthday, and I was hanging out with friends, getting my Eagle award, and playing Republic Commando.

New storyline starting soon. Sunday will have a couple small comics about going back to school.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Worst Doctor Ever

Paging Dr. SUCK...

[You Know The Drill]

I'm pretty sure I've met this guy. He was the same doctor who told me my frequent nosebleeds were because at some point, I'd gotten gravel up my nose.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Bonus: TRON Pinups (Part 3 of what will likely be 4 total)




For all of you hormonal teen males, I've got Scene Chick on the way.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ah, Memories

Lemme be serious here for a minute. A word of advice: If all you and your best friend ever do is argue, it may be time to realize something is wrong. Even if it's stupid, it makes normal interaction strained and awkward. How do you think I know so much about awkward?



[Make Big: Click]

Today, we delve into my good ol' memories of the classic Pie Argument. Cheesecake is a cake, because it has cake in the name. Denny's ice cream pies are pies because the name says so. It's irrelevant whether or not it's in a pie tin. Just acknowledge that fact, and you and I will be fine, bro.
