
Created, written and drawn by Michael Ramsey. Inks by Emma Kate Ramsey.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A preview of things to come. [Toys]


The completed prototype of the Boba Fettuccini action figure, from the exclusive (only I will have it) Bl.O.O.P. action figure line.

Wave 1 "Inceptronatrix" Checklist:
  • Boba Fettuccini incl. pump-action shotgun, machine gun, jetpack, deluxe blaster-pack with firing missile and Barney figurine.
  • Boba Fettuccini [TRON gridsuit] incl. identity disc, baton, and working lights
  • Paris.exe [Virus] incl. 2x identity disc, baton, power staff, and working lights
  • Norton Antivirus [PC Security] incl. identity disc, baton, and working lights

Wave 2 "Zombie Hipster Apocalypse" Checklist (tentative):
  • Jorba [Zombie Slayer] incl. axe/machete
  • Hipster [Zombie Slayer] incl. vinyls and messenger bag
  • Scene Kid incl. purse and Glock
  • Taylor incl. bass guitar(?)
  • Deluxe Bobacopter Action Vehicle
However, we may see this change. Like many toy lines, promised products will probably get pushed back to Wave 3, such as the Hipster and Taylor, and then Wave 3 will be canceled, leaving kids without their favorite characters, and collectors with a gaping hole in their collection. Yeah, Spinmaster, I'm looking at you. >:(

I'm very disappointed with things in general. Spinmaster is a toy company known most for Bakugan, Might Beanz, and Moon Sand. Recently, though, they got the license to make Tron Legacy action figures. They did a horrible job. The toys were cool, had lights, and were moderately posable, but were way too expensive. The face-sculpts were awful, and looked nothing like the characters. Wave 1 featured 6 characters. Wave 2... had the same 6 characters. The only hope was an addition of 3 more... one of which got pushed back to Wave 3. Last week, a rep from Spinmaster told me and a gob of other Tron collectors that Wave 3 is cancelled, as is Wave 4, which means we'll never get Castor, or the planned mask-free versions of the Wave 1 and 2 characters. I'm upset at this. Very. If they had done better marketing, better QC, kept the brand more focused... it could have made it. But because wave 2 was a clone of wave 1 with only 2 *RARE* characters thrown in, stores were choked with a lack of variety, and kids/collectors got bored. Never, EVER give licensing rights to a company that won't do a good job.

End rant.

Oops. I broked it.


[Click To Bigger Make]

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Eagle Quest III: A New Hope



[Click To Biggify]

It was like... like it was meant to be.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day Freebies! [Cards + Music!]

Singles Awareness Day? Yes, I'm quite aware, thank you.

[Click To Enlargificate]

Also, check out my new (old) single, Trying To Catch Your Heart. I First produced this track in April of '09, remastered it for Valentines Day '10, and now I'm putting it out there to my few readers. You guys deserve treats.

Boba Fettuccini - Trying To Catch Your Heart [click to download]

Boba Fettuccini - Trying To Catch Your Heart (Magna Is Infatuated 2009 Remix) [click to download]

Or, grab a handy dandy zip file of the whole thing all at once.

Happy Valentines day! Those of you who have someone, remember to let them know how much they mean to you, and not just today. Life is short. :)


Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Tron 3 Story Treatment [Spoilers]

One boring evening, I was FB chatting it up with my friend Jordan, aka Jorba, about Tron, which he, Taylor and I had gone to see not too long before. After a bit of discussion, this is what happened. For the comic version, I only kept the events that made sense, which should give you an idea about how convoluted this thing was.





And that's about it.


PS - For my viewers who (unlike me) have lives and don't waste all their freetime e-slumming, here's some explanations. Just in case you don't get it. Not that explaining a joke makes it any funnier...

4chan and /b/, Boxxy, Troll Science, Anonymous, Olivia Wilde Interview, Pedobear

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eagle Quest II




I realize this isn't that great. But hey, it was 2 AM and I was desperate for material, so like any good entertainer, I opted for quantity over quality. I've got a few more done, BLOOP is back online for a bit.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Boba Is Sarcastic About The News (2)

(Click To Enlargify)

Ugh. I was listening to news radio all day in the truck while I was out doing my thing. Dory Monson would NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS. Really, Dory? REALLY? People are dying, penetentiary workers are turning up dead, and we're going to spend all our time talking about how a mother's punishment is a little on the harsh side? I would like to hear more about big stuff.
How sensationalist can you get? The sound clips of the 'torture' had dramatic, spooky music added to it... the kind that plays in The Dark Knight when the Joker is monologuing. That's shamefully skewing the sound clips. Anyway. What do I know? I'm just a kid.