
Created, written and drawn by Michael Ramsey. Inks by Emma Kate Ramsey.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Like a Sock in the Eye

Er... more like a boxing glove, but whatevs?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Uh Oh

So I guess some people want to see Carol's character get more development or something

Monday, July 8, 2013


Carol is 24 years old, and is a senior cashier at Super Food Place. She suffers from violent mood swings, and is known for being sarcastic, crabby and rude on some days and exceedingly chipper on others. She is an Alimancer, a psychic magician with the ability to conjure food with pure willpower, determination and positive thinking.


One of the new hires at work is named Carol, and she asked me to do more comics about Carol. So here's a comic about Carol being crabby.